Sea Links: Pearls With Purpose

Sea Links: Pearls With Purpose

My latest collection has launched! And, personally, I’m lovin’ the look (though I’m probably bias). The classic beauty of vintage champagne pearls combined with traditional hammered sterling silver offers a bold yet elegant look. But Sea Links isn't just a collection about handcrafted artisan jewelry. I want my brand and products to have purpose. I want each collection to inform and inspire in ways that support positive change in our world. I launched VANDA inspired 4 months ago and am excited to share this collection as my first planet-focused project.

Sea Links is a collection, not only inspired by the timeless beauty of pearls, but also the amazing worlds beneath the surface of Earth's bodies of water – lakes, rivers, creeks, and oceans – each with their own ecosystems, communities, and stories. And yet, all of these watery worlds are interconnected, affecting each other in even the most subtle ways. The plants and animals that live in these waterways are also directly affected by what we do here on land. The purpose of this jewelry collection is to draw awareness to the interconnection of all life on this planet and to carry a message of hope for our world, inspiring action and empowering choices.

As a concerned individual, I know first-hand the frustration felt about the harm being inflicted on our planet. I’m also very familiar with the sense of feeling overwhelmed and discouraged because I’m only one person. But the truth is, one person can make a positive impact! Here are some things we can do to create the change we want to see...

Vote with your dollar!

As consumers, the choices in products we purchase is our greatest power. Sea Links jewelry stands as a reminder that we each have the power to affect change in our world, starting by choosing which brands and products to support – from cleaners to clothing to cars.

A products’ lifecycle is an important consideration and includes:
● What raw materials are used and where they’re sourced from
● How a product is produced or manufactured
● The impact from how we use or store it
● What happens to an item or its packaging when we’re done

I’m so grateful for the number of new brands providing alternative products to the market today (yay bamboo toothbrushes). Healthier product alternatives aren’t the only thing to consider either. Unethical corporations and even some entire industries disregard people, animals, and ecosystems in favor of filling their pockets. But, thanks to the internet and watchdog groups, it’s much easier for us individuals to do a quick search on just about any organization to determine if their values align with ours.

Be part of the solution!

71% of Earth’s surface is covered in water and 96.5% of all the worlds’ water is in the oceans (1). As humans, we live on land but rely heavily on all that water. Consider the countless other creatures who rely on that water too. Water is one of our most valuable natural resources and it's imperative for us to make choices to protect clean and healthy H2O for everyone. And there’s a lot we can do as individuals! Disposing of hazardous substances properly, using safe or natural household cleaning products, protecting storm drains in our neighborhoods, and even joining a local volunteer river cleanup crew are just a few ideas.

Less waste, more space!

One of the biggest threats that our planet faces is an abundance of waste. Have you heard of the plastic floating islands? The largest is located in the Pacific ocean and takes up an area twice the size of Texas (2). That’s a lot of trash! I have a lot of hope in organizations emerging in recent years whose mission is to clean all that garbage up. But how do we keep from adding to the problem? One big thing we can consider as individuals is our reliance on single-use plastic products, such as straws, cups, bags, and product packaging. Alternatives include metal straws, reusable silicon food storage bags, cardboard packaging, and PLA biodegradable utensils. At VANDA inspired, packaging is a serious consideration with a focus on post-consumer recycled paper products.

Remember: we’re not alone!

Pearls are obtained from either freshwater mussels or saltwater oysters. These shellfish are just a small portion of the populations that live under water. It’s estimated that about 1-million different species of animals live in the oceans (3). While I enjoy delicious seafood, the conventional fishing industry can be really harmful. Over-fishing, pollution, and harming bystander species (like dolphins) are just a few issues this industry is responsible for. Fortunately, consumers are demanding change and companies are listening. Choose wisely, do a little research, and look for certified sustainable options when possible.

The little things add up!

It’s challenging in our society to always make the right choice. A lot of alternative products can be too expensive. There isn’t always information available about the food we buy. Damn near everything comes in plastic packaging. And we don’t always have the time or energy to volunteer. Believe me, I understand. But what we can always do is our best. We can make the best decisions with what we have in the moment. Sometimes that means getting take out in styrofoam containers, but saying “no thanks” to the plastic utensils. Just do what you can; everything counts.

Sea Links are sustainable

My Sea Links collection is made from reclaimed pearls. Reused vintage pearls are environmentally sustainable since no new materials were collected from our planet. These pearls were originally created by freshwater muscles, then strung on long silken thread with traditional knots in-between. I'm not sure exactly how old they are, but I acquired a few strands from their previous wearer who had enjoyed the classic pearl style. Now, I'm giving these vintage lovelies a modern update so they can be cherished once again. The sterling silver I use in all my jewelry comes from mostly recycled metal and is made in the USA. I source all my materials locally and handcraft each item in my California studio. Shop Sea Links Here!

We are responsible for creating change and there is always hope. Share with me how you live eco-friendly in the comments below! I'm always looking for new ideas.
Wanda @ VANDA inspired



(1) Science for a changing world

(2) Sage-Advices – How big is the biggest trash island?

(3) National Geographic – Ocean Habitat

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